G15 responds to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures consultation
The G15 - the group of London's largest housing associations - has responded to the Regulator for Social Housing’s consultation on the proposed Tenant Satisfaction Measures which will be implemented as part of the Social Housing White Paper.
We strongly support the Regulator’s ambition to drive up standards in the social housing sector as well as improving transparency between social housing providers and their residents.
Overall, the G15 welcome the introduction of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures as they are an important step to improving the relationship between residents and housing associations and improving standards across the sector.
In the consultation, we make clear that:
- We strongly recommend that the Regulator of Social Housing implements a form of standardisation for conducting perception surveys.
- We welcome the spirit of the TSMs but have some concerns over some of the individual TSMs and would welcome the opportunity to engage further with the Regulator on this.
- The TSMs should be focused on driving up standards for our residents across the sector. Therefore, the Regulator should clarify how the data gathered from the perceptions surveys will be used and published.
Read our full response to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures consultation here
G15 Response to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Consultation
G15 response to the Regulator of Social Housing's consultation on the proposed Tenant Satisfaction Measures View all