Room to Grow

London is built on a vibrant mix of people from all walks of life, yet the capital is increasingly unaffordable for many.

Our Room to Grow campaign shines a light on the real social and economic value created by London’s affordable homes, and the not-for-profit housing associations that provide them. 

We’ll look at how homes get built, who pays, how residents benefit, net zero, the stigma associated with living in social homes, and how Government can help create more room to grow for Londoners, London and the UK as a whole.

“Social and affordable homes, and the housing associations that provide them, change lives. A few basic tweaks from government can unlock the potential to support even more people in housing need.  All while creating job opportunities, reducing crime, promoting healthy lifestyles, and supporting children's education.”

Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Chair of the G15

London’s Social Homes Contribute Almost £6.9 Billion to UK Every Year

As we head towards polling day, the failure to address London’s housing crisis, exacerbated by political uncertainty and financial instability, is starving Londoners and the UK of at least an additional £7.7 billion annually.
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Funding London's affordable homes

The provision of social and affordable housing allows London to be a city for everyone. Without it the fabric of London would change. Our work helps to ensure London maintains its economic vitality and diversity.
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Increasing London’s affordable homes

The level of housing need, particularly in London, is unprecedented and should be impossible to ignore. In 2023, over 320,000 families in London were on social housing waiting lists, with over 1.2 million households across England waiting for a social home.
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Supporting London's communities

G15 members play a vital role in supporting residents, providing services that directly benefit tens of thousands of Londoners. These community schemes, which plug the gaps in state services, include employment support programmes, food security initiatives and financial guidance.
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Taking the Stigma out of Social Housing: The Residents View

Drawing on insights from over 2,800 residents' perspectives, this G15 report confronts the harsh reality of how stigma shapes the lives of social housing residents. It reveals something many of us have known for years – our value is too often defined by the type of housing we live in.
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